In order to affect the heart, one must speak from the heart. The mouth speaks from the excess of the heart. And because of this, he who is filled with faith and love can have a mouth and wisdom, which cannot be opposed by the hearts of those who listen to the sermon.
In the new version, we have added a Photo Gallery as well as a new loading indicator, and a few minor issues regarding opening links have been corrected.
Dodate permisije za notifikacije na Android 13
Safe area na dnu je sada transparentna i još par sitnijih poboljšanja u dizajnu
Исправка за бројач коментара
Исправке у преводу латинице
Анонимни аутор коментара
Чување имена аутора коментара
Припрема за убацивање молитвеника
У најновијој верзији додали смо латиницу.
Додали смо пуш нотификације.